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The Giraffe neighbourhood triples-best again!

Oct 20, 2023 | Media

For two years in a row, Kvarteret Giraffen in Kalmar has won Fastighetsbarometern's NKI survey - Fastighetsbarometern Butik. And now it is time again! The neighbourhood has done the feat of increasing by 4 units since the last survey, so that it ends up with an NBI of 89 points! The centre manager at Kvarteret Giraffen, Martina Adolfsson Nyström, expresses her joy as follows.

-WOW, I am at a loss for words! ShäOf course we hoped forå a profit, but that we would drämma to with a höfour units and theärmed göra all time high, we had not räto join in the fun. The äThat's an absolutely fantastic result! This customer surveyöchinking äis a very important tool, which gives us in the centre management möopportunity to work on the very things that är important för våra rentästars, and they är always vår priority 1, concludes Martina Adolfsson Nyström

-We äare incredibly proud and grateful öfor this rating and that the få this ärofessional results för third åThis means that we simply have toågöra rät things! I år sticker våra hörated a little extra in Centre Management, Safety and SecurityäSafety and Marketingöring. All höPriority areasåthe för us and nåDid we really focus extra onå strongätter Martina.

During the year, the Giraffen neighbourhood has, for example, trained tenants in fire safety and carried out a SHORE certification (a safety and security assessment), which was awarded a gold rating. The centre management works with a high presence among tenants and works hard to market itself in the right channel at the right time.

The är så fun and motivating to workåactivities in these areasåthe measuredäis recognised and appreciated by ouråra rentästar. We have absolutely fantastic tenantsäand they, combined with my wonderful colleagues in the centre management, create a väIt's a great place to shop and we have a really good community in the neighbourhood. Thank you all forös that we are doingör this together, you är all real aces! concludes a smiling Martina Adolfsson Nyström.

That the få the här utmäThe third generationång äis an acknowledgement ofå that we have a committed and competent centre managementöGovernance works welläVery goodäl and that the development investments we have made in recent åappreciated by tenantsästerna. It gives us as a propertyästation självföWe are confident and energised in our continued development work. We also knowåthat thriving shops give that little extra to customers and contribute to vibrant and popularätrading centres, säMr Anders Nyström affärsområhead of theå Alecta Fastigheter as ägives the Giraffe neighbourhood

Fastighetsbarometern's Satisfied Shops Index is an annual evaluation of Swedish shop tenants' perceptions of their shopping centre and their landlord and is carried out by CFI Group, Fastighetsägarna Sverige. Once again this year, it is clear that Sweden's most satisfied tenants are in the Giraffen neighbourhood in Kalmar. With an NKI of 89, Kvarteret is well above the industry average.

For more information, please contact: 

Martina Adolfsson Nyström
Head of Centre
Giraffe neighbourhood
Tel: 076-634 20 31

Mr Anders Nyström
Business Area Manager
Alecta Real Estate
Tel: 073-6820300


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