Martina Adolfsson Nyström, Centre Manager
Brand new men's concept establishes itself in Kvarteret Giraffen, just in time for Kvarteret's 5th anniversary! Kvarteret Giraffen is pleased to announce that it is now fully let. On 23 October, the men's fashion store Wagner will open its 13th store in Sweden. This coincides with Kvarterets...
Two new stores coming to Kvarteret Giraffen - soon to be fully let! The balloons from Ur&Penn's opening party have barely been taken down before Kvarteret Giraffen now announces that two more stores will be established at the popular shopping centre. Just in time for ...
Kvarteret Giraffen can boast of Kalmar County's most satisfied shopping customers! We are incredibly proud that our customers have given us this great award, says a happy Martina Adolfsson Nyström, Centre Manager at Kvarteret Giraffen. It is proof that our focus on...